Monday, April 11, 2011

10 on 10

Ten on Ten: 10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!

{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}

The boys started off the 10th day of April playing Uno with Grandma.  Eric was out of town living it up at Nascar, so Grandma and Grandpa came over to help. I was very grateful for their help this weekend!  I'm not sure I could have survived Saturday Sports day without them.

Legos are always a hit at our house.  The Lego sorter head Ethan got for his birthday works great!

Lauren LOVES to sit on my dad's lap and read books. 

Fried ham anyone?  (Ethan's idea)

I'm in full party planning mode for Austin's 5 birthday. 

Backyard fun!

I filled up a bucket with leaves and weeds from our flower beds.  We are laying mulch and planting new plants and flowers.  I love spring!

Lauren helped us spread the mulch.

Eric got a new job at Dell!  He works from home several days a week and no longer has a permanent desk at work, so we now have an abundance of picture frames and lucite.  I'm so proud of Eric and know he will do great in his new role!

It was a fun Sunday and we are all so happy to have Daddy back home!