Thursday, March 3, 2011

God's hand

Sunday 11:30 am - Lauren stumbled backwards into the fire pit's hot ashes, burning her hand and wrist. We dunked her hand in ice water and immediately jumped in the car and headed to the hospital.  On the way down the hill leaving the campground, Eric spotted a fire station and quickly pulled in.  A fireman poured solution on the burn and wrapped it for us while they told us where the closest hospital was. We drove to North Austin Medical Center where they cleaned the burn, removed the loose skin, applied silverdene cream and wrapped it up in a bandage. They told us to change the dressing twice a day and see our pediatrician in 4 to 5 days.

We were fortunate the fire station was a mile from our campsite and they were able to quickly care for the burn so it stayed clean and was protected.  It's amazing that we did not have to wait in the emergency room and were seen right away.

Thursday 10:00 - Lauren had her scheduled 2 year check up with our wonderful pediatrician. After speaking with him about the burn, he quickly left the room and grabbed the plastic surgeon standing right outside the exam room. The plastic surgeon examined her burn and lets us know that she has 2nd degree and possibly 3rd degree burns that may require a skin graft and physical therapy so she doesn't lose mobility in her right hand.

How amazing is it that a plastic surgeon just happened to be standing right outside our room and was able to access the severity of the burn!  It was obvious to us that God was watching out for us.

Monday 10:30 - The plastic surgeon called Eric directly and recommended that we take Lauren to see his friend who is a plastic surgeon for the Wound Care Center at Dell Children's Hospital. We quickly scheduled an appointment for the next day.

The plastic surgeon saw the wound care plastic surgeon at a social event and after they discussed our case, they decided Lauren would be better suited at Dell Children's Hospital.  We were able to get an appointment for the very next day with the wound care center.

Tuesday 9:15 - Lauren's hand is examined by the Wound Care nurses and the plastic surgeon's nurse practitioner and we are instructed to clean it once a day and apply Aquaphor to the healing skin, Bacitracin to her thumb area and Collagenase to the white areas that need the most healing. We were scheduled to go back Thursday to meet the doctor who would determine if Lauren's burn would require a skin graft.

The nurses were wonderful and very informative.  Lauren watched Elmo while she was examined, played with a special toy and the nurse blew bubbles for her.  The new treatment allows her to move her hand more easily and should allow the burn to heal faster.

Thursday 8:00 - Lauren's hand is examined by the plastic surgeon and he determines the burn is healing well on it's own and does not require a skin graft.  We are to continue caring for the burn and scheduled to go back Tuesday to see the wound care nurses and Thursday to see the plastic surgeon again.

We are so thankful God lead us to receive the best possible care for Lauren. With such good care, we are hopeful Lauren will have minimal scarring and full mobility in her hand.  We still have a long road ahead of us, but her hand is healing more and more each day.

The white areas on her hand need the most healing.  The pink areas are already healing and have new skin. 

God's hand was with us in the accident and continues with us in the recovery of our sweet baby girl. 

 Fear not, for I am with you;
be not dismayed, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
—Isaiah 41:10


  1. This is so good. I certainly needed to read this right now.

  2. Thank the Lord!! Your Sweet baby girl is so brave! I'm so happy that you received such wonderful news. God is good!!!!!!

  3. one blessing, followed by another and another. I know this has been difficult, but God has been so faithful through it all. I am praying for your continued endurance through this all. Love you!

  4. Awwwwwwwww, she looks sosweet in every picture!
