Friday, March 11, 2011

10 on 10

Ten on Ten: 10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}

We started off our morning bright and early by taking Lauren to see the plastic surgeon.  We waited over an hour, but it was worth it for the good news!

Her hand is healing nicely!  She still has open wounds on her wrist, but the other pink skin is new skin.  We now have to watch how it heals to make sure it does not limit her mobility.  We go back in a week and a half so they can assess if she needs a compression glove with silicon to keep the scarring minimal.

After the appointment, I made food for Max's Sip and See. 

Checked out my new running shoes and tried to get motivated enough to actually put them on when I have a spare moment.

I packed up some scraps for my first Scrap Swap.  I'm shipping packages to Utah and the Netherlands and I can't wait to see what scraps I get back!

Next, I headed over to Austin's school to show his classmates the ducks.  They loved them and were fascinated that we hatched them from eggs.

I couldn't resist having a quick photo shoot with a duck on a quilt I made for a very special baby boy.  I promise I washed it before I gave it to the baby! 

Then I headed over to help set up for Max's Sip and See.  It was so much fun and the company was as good as the amazing food. 

I'm so happy Sammy loved the quilt I made for Max. 

Sammy gave us aprons as our hostess gifts, so of course we had to take a silly picture.  It was a wonderful, super busy day full of laughter, good conversations and caffeine!


  1. Love all those pics!!! Last night was perfect!!!

  2. that's stinking adorable - i love the fabrics you used for the quilt.

    and i love the scraps you sent -- thank you!! :)
