Sunday, February 20, 2011

our Emma Long weekend

This weekend we headed over to Emma Long park to spend the weekend camping with Jared and Felisha and their family.  We had fun hanging out by the water, grilling yummy food, shooting nerf guns and exploring. 

We had fun fishing, but didn't catch any fish this time.

Poor Kirby caught a fish hook to the nose.  She always tries to get the lure when we are fishing and this time she did! 

Lauren enjoyed feeding Conner his baby food. It was so cute!  She brought him his sippy cup too and called him "baby". So sweet!

This morning as we hung out around the fading campfire, our sweet baby girl stepped back too far and sat in the ashes inside the fire pit.  Her bottom landed in cold ashes and she was fine until she put her hand behind her in the hot coals to stand up.  We quickly swooped her up, but not before she burned her hand and wrist. 

We rushed her to the ER and they quickly treated her 2nd degree burn on her wrist.  She has been quite the trooper and is handing it so well.  We are praying for a speedy recovery for our baby girl!

1 comment:

  1. oh no, poor Lauren! praying for a quick recovery for her :(
