Monday, January 3, 2011

more tubing fun

Since we loved tubing so much, we decided to go back one last time before we headed back home.  This time, we got more tubes and everyone decided to be brave and go down the big hill.


The conveyor belt that took us up the hill was just part of the fun.

I barely saw Austin and Ethan all night.  They ran around with their cousins and grandparents and weren't interested in going on a tube with their mom.
Lauren, on the other hand, LOVED her first experience at tubing and rode with me! 

She looks so tiny all bundled up in the tube.
Can you believe Leon, Kai, Eric and Ethan all went down on a tube together?  It was crazy! 

Tubing was the perfect way to end our amazing vacation!


  1. What an awesome vacation! The tubing looks like a blast!

  2. So many great pics!! I need to start making myself take more pictures!
