Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas Eve 2010

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve with family!  Abby made this sweet sign for the kids. 

The kids opened presents and immediately got right to playing.

Lauren loved her piggy Pillow Pet from Aunt Jenny.

Abby and Emmy modeling their scarfs I made them.

The boys all got light sabers and had fun terrorizing each other.

Tough guys

Out of all her girly toys, Lauren loved the boys' light sabers the best.  Go figure!

After opening a couple presents, we headed over to watch skiers come down the face of the mountain with torches.  It was cool!  They ended the festivities with fireworks.

The freezing cold spectators

When we got home, the kids broke in their new rock band toys.  Lauren is a natural with the microphone which makes her momma very happy.

Our little rock band definitely jammed and it was a fun way to celebrate Christmas Eve! 


  1. So cute!! I wonder if Lauren will be a little singer? Also love the scarves on the girls!

  2. Love the scarves! They look great on the girls! Now I want to go skiing....not to ski, but to do all the other fun stuff!
