Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Our trip begins

Last Tuesday we stuffed our car full of all the warm clothes we own and headed north to celebrate a white Christmas with Eric's family.  We traveled 8 hours to Amarillo and spent the night there to break up the trip a little.  Wednesday morning we caravaned the remaining 5 hours to Red River, New Mexico with Eric's parents and sister's family.  The kids passed the time by watching movie after movie, while I played Angry Birds and Eric drove the majority of the trip.  We only heard "are we there yet?" and "how much more minutes?" 44 times the entire trip.

When it was my turn to drive it suddenly turned  F O G G Y! 
We passed one spot on our journey that had herds of giant deer. I was so happy to be able to stop the car and snap this picture and the kids were excited to see "reindeer". This picture makes the fog worth it to me. 
This picture does not do these awesome mountains justice.  They were spectacular.

We were pretty excited when we looked out and saw this for the first time on our trip...


Everyone was excited when we arrived to our condo that afternoon.  It had four floors and the kids had their own loft on the top floor. We were all excited to see what adventures we would find in Red River!

To be continued...

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