Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas card rejects 2010

Monday Eric and I took the kids up to the trees with hopes of getting one decent picture of all three kids for our Christmas card.  We were not successful.  This is the best picture we got of all three of them and I cut their heads off.  Ugh!

The boys were happy and enjoying watching the cute squirrel jumping around on the tree behind me as I took this picture.  They were all smiles until...

the squirrel jumped out of the tree and ran into the street where a car was driving by.  The squirrel narrowly escaped, but the boys couldn't see that he was safe. They were devastated until we assured them Mr. Squirrel was safely across the street and not squished in the middle of the road.  I love my compassionate little guys!

Our next attempt will include all five of us.  Yikes!


  1. OMG. That squirrel picture alone is priceless. So glad he made his escape; little does he know that he is well loved!
