Friday, November 5, 2010

O.L.s in training

I'm not sure how or when it happened, but it's official... 
We are old ladies in training. 

Thursday morning Carrey, Erica and I got up at 5 a.m. to board a bus sponsored by our local fabric store to drive to 3 1/2 hours to the Houston Quilt Show. 

I was the first person to pull into the parking lot at 5:50 if that tells you how excited I was.  After our Starbucks, we were bright eyed and bushy tailed.
Once we got there, we waded through the crowds of ladies and searched for treasures.

There were piles of fabric to dig through.  Searching and finding rare fabric for me ,is like finding a brand new iPad at a garage sale for $20 for everyone else.  Pretty exciting stuff!

We met Jenny at the show and shared a yummy picnic lunch outside. The weather was gorgeous!  As much as we didn't want to take a break from shopping, it was just what we needed to recharge.  After several hours of more shopping, we headed to Ninfas for some margaritas before we boarded the bus at 7 p.m. 

I'm very happy with my fabric finds!  Some of it will go in my Etsy store, some is for my personal stash, and some is for a baby quilt for my crazy friend Sammy who isn't finding out if she is having a boy or girl.  I had no choice but to buy fabric for a boy and a girl quilt just in case!  

We had a great time at the Houston Quilt Show and look forward to going back next year!

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