Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

We had such a great Halloween this year!  The kids are at such fun ages and we loved watching them have so much fun.

Lauren dressed up as Dorothy and carried her little Toto dog around with her in her basket.

Since Ethan LOVES horses, he decided he wanted to be a cowboy this year. 

Such a handsome cowboy!
Austin wants to be a Texas Star hockey player when he grows up, so that's what he wanted to be for Halloween.

He's one tough looking guy!

Crazy kiddos ready for some trick or treating!
Kevin and Sarah pulled their trailer with their four wheeler and we went on a hayride.  It was soooo much fun!  The kids loved it and so did the grown ups!

McDreamy sat in the back of the trailer and pulled the wagon with all our extra stuff in it.  It was quite a humorous sight!

Dorothy got a little too excited by the large bucket of candy, and fell right in.  Being the loving mother that I am, I snapped a picture instead of helping her out.  Our little champ still came out with a fistful of candy!
We had an awesome Halloween and loved spending it with our family and friends!

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