Sunday, November 28, 2010

Cameron Park Zoo

Last week my sister and her family came in town since they were off for a week for Thanksgiving.  It was so nice to have her family in town for a couple days before we headed to Fredricksburg to celebrate Thanksgiving.  We  loaded up all the kids and drove to Waco's Cameron Park Zoo on Monday.

The weather was perfect and the zoo is just the right size.  The kids loved it!

Austin has a thing for wolves.

We got to see some amazing animals!  The bears, otters, gorillas and chimpanzees were all hiding from us though.  Maybe next time!

My little monkey!

Since we didn't' see any bears at the zoo, Sherry insisted we drive over to visit her Alma Mater and see the Baylor Bears.  It was a great day to spend with family!

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