Friday, September 17, 2010

hello again

This week I felt a little overwhelmed by my day to day To-Do list.  Between soccer practice, two different Bible studies, kindergarten, Mother's Day Out, housework, homework and Eric being out of town last weekend, I feel like I'm still behind. 

I didn't realize all the new things I would have to do now with Ethan starting kindergarten.  I'm still not used to getting up at the crack of dawn to get him out the door on time and it's definitely a big responsibility to make sure he has everything he needs for school.  (Mondays we have to remember to bring back his freshly washed rest towel, Tuesdays he has to return his library book, Fridays is ice cream day and he has to turn in his homework and this is on top of fundraisers, PTA, snacks and being on time!)  Every day on my calendar has at least a couple things to do that day.  I only have one kid in school, so I know it's only going to get busier.   I'm so happy that Ethan loves school and I am trying hard to adjust to our new schedules and general business.  I just need a bigger calendar!

  So why in the world would I spend my very little free time sewing?  I actually NEED to sew when I'm busy or stressed.  It gives me great satisfaction to start and finish a project.  Life with three kids 5 and under for me is filled with lots of things that are never ending.  If I wash a load of clothes, five minutes later there is a new pile of dirty clothes.  As soon as the dishes are unloaded from the dishwasher, there are more to go in.  Our sweet tornado Lauren can make a room a mess in no time.  The fact is, a mom's job is never done.  There is always something to be done or someone to take care of.  With quilting and sewing, I can start and finish a project that I can be proud of and actually complete something!

This past week I managed to make two strawberry purses, a table runner, a blankie and a quilted trash bag for my car. 
My new Hope Valley table runner is now in my Etsy store.  I'm making one for myself to keep since I love it!

After a particularly long day, I whipped up this little trash bag for my car out of the fabric Erica gave me for my 34th birthday.  It makes me happy to see it in my car.  I just may make some more for the Patchwork Lollipop.

I also made a special blankie especially for Charlize.  I hope she loves it!


  1. It's wonderful that you recognize how therapeutic your hobby is and that you make time for something that brings you so much joy!

  2. Great post. Love the way the table runner turned out and the car trash bag is almost too pretty for trash. I'm going to bind and wash my table runner now so I can see how it looks!

  3. LOVE the blankie, and Charlize will be soo excited to get her hands on it!!! Thank you Lisa.
