Saturday, September 25, 2010

Fall soccer!

Today was the boys' very first soccer game of the season.  Austin's game started off bright and early at 8:30 this morning.  We were very excited to see how he was going to do, since last year he wasn't very interested in the actual game. 

Well, our little soccer stud did not disappoint!  He charged after the ball and is a speedy little guy!  We were so excited when he scored his first ever goal and followed it up with a second one!

 My mom and Dad came to the games to cheer them on too.
Ethan's game was at 12:30 and by then, it was ridiculously hot and humid. 

Ethan did great despite the heat and finished off the game strong with one assist and one almost goal.

It was a big day of soccer and we are looking forward to more this fall!


  1. Go Austin! Go Ethan! They look great in their uniforms.

  2. Glad things are going well for everyone!! At least it should start cooling down more before too long!

  3. "fall" soccer shouldn't be that warm! Hope we can get out to see the boys play!
