Tuesday, August 17, 2010

done, done, done and almost done

I made my very first dress for Lauren and it looks so cute on her!  We had her 18 month pictures taken by Alison Eden on Monday and she wore the dress.  I can't wait to see how they turn out!

I posted this polka dot strawberry purse in my Etsy shop.  Any little girl is sure to love it! 

Ethan starts kindergarten in one week!  At the kinder orientation last week, they informed us that the kids will have rest time during the day and will need a beach towel to lay on.  When Ethan and I headed to the store to pick one out, at first we got a thin Toy Story 3 beach towel.  The thought of my baby boy laying on the hard floor on a cheap beach towel did not give me the warm fuzzies.  On our way to check out, we walked past some throw blankets and I got the idea to "make" my own beach towel out of the super comfy throw.  I folded it in half and sewed it up around the edges.  Now my sweetie has a thick, soft blanket to lay on that is the right size and will fit in his locker.  It may be pretty obvious on the first day that Ethan is my first baby going off to kindergarten! 

After 2 years in the making, Lauren's full size quilt is almost done!  Last weekend I pieced together the backing and all I'm missing is one thing...

An embroidered note from me.   I have a vision of a hand embroidered note on my special notebook paper fabric on every quilt I make for the kids.  Problem is, I can't embroider.  So now I'm off to learn quickly, so I can ship it off to be quilted!


  1. The dress looks perfect on Lauren! Love the pic of the strawberry purse on the fence. I'm sure each one of your kids will have special things when they head off to school. Ethan's nap mat is awesome. Makes me want to curl up and sleep.
