Friday, August 20, 2010

a day in the life of Ethan

Ethan started his day off at 6:45 a.m. and had his favorite breakfast of waffles with peanut butter and syrup. 

After breakfast, the boys played inside with their train set.
Computer time!
The boys love playing under our oak tree.  The shade of the tree is the only way we survive the 100 degree days.  That, and frozen Go-gurts!
Then the boys put away their trains so they could play with their Legos.  Ethan loves Legos and could build things for hours.  Notice the two big, red buckets against their doors?  They are filled with the boys' action figures and the boys put them there so Lauren can't open the doors and mess up their Legos. Poor little sis!

Then we played a mean game of Uno.
More fun in the tree.
The evening turned out to be nice even though it was over 100 degrees today.  It was cloudy, so we actually got to play outside in the culdesac with friends. 
After dinner and bath, the boys went to bed at 8:15.  When I went to check on Ethan an hour later, he was fast asleep inside his pillow.  What a crazy kid!

I'm so glad I got to document one of Ethan's last days at home before he heads off to kindergarten on Monday.  It seems like just yesterday I quit my job to stay home and take care of my little baby boy.  I'm very excited for this new phase of life for him, but I'm going to miss him like crazy! 


  1. I love the idea of capturing "a day in the life." It will be very special to your kiddos one day! I am going to have to steal this idea from you.....hope you don't mind!

  2. Your days in the lives are very good. Love this look at Ethan's life before he 'leaves the nest.' We need some of those card holders. If your dad made them you could sell them in your store : )

  3. Amazing shots! What lens are you using?
