Wednesday, July 21, 2010

chicks and guineas!

We have had lots of fun with our little chickens.  The kids love holding them and hearing Lauren say "chick-en" is just too cute!  Mr. Pigeon, MP2 and Sunny are now visiting another family while we are busy with our guinea hatching. 

When I went to bed Monday night, the first egg had a big crack.  I set my alarm for every two to three hours since I knew the hatch would happen soon.  When I woke up at 5am, this is what I found...

The little guinea chick was hatched and snuggling next to the unhatched egg.  It was so cute! 

The next night, our last egg hatched.  We now have two wild guinea keets named Petri and Little Foot.

While they are really cute right now with their stripes and huge orange feet, they will grow up to look like this...


Erica's once jammed packed incubator now sits empty.  We started with 13 eggs and 5 of them hatched.  It was a lot of fun and I'm so thankful Erica let us have this experience!

1 comment:

  1. It was fun going to the farm to take the chicks!! Glad they are back where they're supposed to be now!
