Monday, June 7, 2010

h a n d f u l

My sister and her family came in town last Wednesday and we had a great time going to Innerspace Caverns, hanging out around the house, grilling and eating at Chuys.  Friday we headed to Fredericksburg to celebrate my brother-in-law Russell's parents' 50th anniversary.  I've known them since I was 6 and they are like family to me. We spent time celebrating with family, fabric shopping on Main Street in Fredricksburg, going out to eat and swimming at the pool with our cousins.  Eric drove to Wimberley early Saturday morning to pop kettlecorn, so he had a busy day and didn't get home until later that night. 
Do I have lots of pictures of my kids and their cousins from the time we spent together? Nope.  Not one. This little stinker only wanted her momma and would let no one else hold her.  She was a handful to say the least! 

Now we are back home and Lauren is back to her happy, high maintenance self.  Hopefully my sister will send me some pictures of all the fun we the boys had.  While the trip was by no means relaxing for me or Eric, it was really nice to spend time with family.  Fabric shopping with my Grandma was pretty great too!


  1. I just dont believe one word of this. She looks like an ANGEL!!! ;)

  2. Your sister will get you the pictures when she finishes the three days of reading club, the bridge class, unpacking and washing clothes, planning two retreats, celebrating her 21st anniversary, putting all the 50th Anniversary pictures on Snapfish, etc...

    By the way, I did get a picture of me with the stinker and lots of her and my stinker!

  3. Your sister will get you the pictures when she finishes the three days of reading club, the bridge class, unpacking and washing clothes, planning two retreats, celebrating her 21st anniversary, putting all the 50th Anniversary pictures on Snapfish, etc...

    By the way, I did get a picture of me with the stinker and lots of her and my stinker!
