Thursday, May 6, 2010

soaking it all in

Yesterday I took my baby boy to register for kindergarten.  He colored happily while I filled out paperwork.  It was really quick and relatively painless process.  I must admit, I did get a little teary eyed walking out with my future kindergartner.  He is growing up so fast and I know our lives as we know it are about to change.  Goodbye sleeping in, wearing pajamas all day and going out of town whenever we want!  Hello 7:40 drop offs, making lunches every morning and homework!  Even though it makes me all teary to think about my baby growing up, I'm so excited to watch him experience new things.

This little guy had his four year old checkup yesterday.  The doctor's office was running behind, so we ended up waiting quite a while for the doctor.  I didn't mind at all because Austin and I got to spend time talking and telling stories. I just love his funny personality!  He was so brave as he got his four vaccines and didn't cry one tear.  I was so proud of him and once again got a little teary eyed walking out with my big, brave four year old. 

That night Eric and I took the boys to watch a Texas Stars hockey playoff game.  They loved it and we had the best time!  The stadium wouldn't let me bring my big camera in, so I took these pictures with my camera phone.  I was so sad I couldn't bring my Nikon because I would have loved to take pictures of it all.  The game was very entertaining and we actually watched the game. (Shocking, I know!)  It was so fun to watch the boys cheer on the Stars, dance and jump to the music.  We got on the big screen during the song "Jump!" and the boys were so excited.  I soaked in every minute of it and felt so blessed!

It's fun times like these that make all the hard moments worth it! I love my boys!


  1. Great pics of the boys, and the camera phone pics are good too! Such sweet memories.

  2. Hockey-fun!! I can't believe Ethan is going to kindegarten next fall-I don't blame you for shedding a tear, its just not fair how quickly they grow up.

  3. I am so excited for our Kindergartners!!! :)

  4. I love that picture of Ethan! You are taking wonderful have three precious models right at home!
