Saturday, March 27, 2010

it's here!

This is what happens when two spoiled brats babies of the family decide they want a bigger camper.  An hour after our old camper pulled out of our driveway, Eric and I were on our way to pick out a new one. 

We are really happy with the floorplan.  It has a full slide, so we have a lot more room now. The kids have their own room and our bedroom has a lot of storage space.  In order to keep Eric from having a fit, I haven't ripped down the wallpaper border yet.  It will happen though. First I have to get some stuff to hang on the walls. 

The boys are so excited about having their own room.  The table is a big hit with them.

 My favorite part of the entire camper is the door that leads to this room.  It's so nice to shut it. 

See that other door?  That's my other favorite thing.  It leads to our bedroom. We consider doors  necessary, not fliparound TVs or extra storage space... just doors to separate us from those we love. 


  1. The floor plan in our tent does NOT compare. But seriously...your new digs are awesome!

  2. I'm going to cross stitch a little framed sign for the bedroom door: "If the Zinger's a rockin..."

    Seriously, it's lovely. Can't wait for the girls' camping weekend.

  3. It's beautiful! Can't wait for a girls trip! Hope Eric says YES! :)

  4. This is great! Now maybe Eric will get some sleep and not need a nap when we all go camping... :)
