Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Valentine's weekend!

 The Friday before Valentine's day was a really great day!  I got to get pampered when I got my hair done, did some shopping for Lauren's party, made a birthday banner, and went out to eat dinner with Eric while my mom watched the kids.  Thank you Mom! When I got home, Eric had a surprise for me laying out on the bed...

Inside was a Pandora bracelet!  I absolutely love it and was so surprised!  He gave me birthstone charms for each of the kids and also the key to my heart charm.  The key charm is really special to me since I gave Eric the key to my heart locket my Dad gave me on my 16th birthday.  I gave it to Eric on our wedding day and someday Eric will give Lauren her very own locket to give the man she gives her heart to.

Saturday morning my mom and I drove to College Station for some girl time.  I dropped her off at her best friend Pat's house and headed over to meet Rebecca and Delaine for some fun.
We had a great time shopping, eating, drinking, taking pictures of her adorable girls and catching up!
I was so excited to come home to my family on Valentine's Day. I feel so lucky to have Eric as my husband!  He did a great job taking care of the kids by himself for over 24 hours and even managed to get everyone to church Sunday morning.  He is pretty awesome!
I've spent the rest of my free time making party decorations for a certain little girl's big birthday coming up.  Busy, busy times!


  1. Sounds like a GREAT weekend!
    We are excited about Saturday!

  2. LOVE tge bracelet. Can't wait to help you fill it up.
