Wednesday, February 24, 2010


While I LOVE that it snowed on Lauren's first birthday, something was missing...

My boys! 

They left Sunday to spend a couple nights at Eric's parents' house.  They were so excited to go spend some time with their Gege and Grandaddy!  We have talked to them on the phone often and they always sound so happy.  I love that they aren't missing me too much, even though I'm missing them like crazy.  The only tears that have been shed are mine!  

It snowed all day today.  All day.  Lots of powdery, perfect snow.  At Gege and Grandaddy's house, the snow did not stick.  There was no snow for them to play in.  I was so sad all day that they weren't home to play with me, so I built them a snowman. The snowman may be melted by the time they get home, but hopefully they will like to see a picture of him wearing their clothes.  I'm heading to pick them up today and it couldn't come soon enough! 

Eric got home from work just in time to play in the snow with our little birthday girl.  What a fun way to spend a first birthday!