Saturday, February 20, 2010

Lauren's 1st birthday party!

Today we celebrated Lauren's first birthday with family and friends!

I may have gone just a tad overboard decorating, but my baby girl only turns one once!  Inspired by the porcelain angel my parents gave me on my first birthday and Amy Butler French Wallpaper fabric, the cupcake party colors were pink, red and blue.

I had fun decorating the cupcakes and the kids loved picking which one they wanted to eat.

Thanks to Kathy for helping me make this fun banner, Samantha for helping me bake 50 cupcakes, Jan for helping me frost the cupcakes and Tony for shooting video!
Lauren loved her cupcake and daintly ate it a pinch at a time. 

Lauren had so much fun playing in the castle ball pit and the girls had fun playing with their living doll.

Just in time for her birthday, she started taking steps this week!  By party time, she was walking six feet stretches. She gets so proud of herself and her momma is pretty proud too!

I had fun opening Lauren's presents while she played with her new toys. She got such thoughtful presents and we are so lucky to have such great friends and family!

Happy birthday Lauren!


  1. Thanks for including us! We had a great time. The party was beautiful with each sweet detail.

  2. What a beautiful party! You did so great on the cupcakes!! I knew you could do it! Wish we could have been there!

  3. It looks like she had a wonderful party! You did a fabulous job decorating and planning every detail. I wish we could have been there.

  4. Great pics. Great party. The kids are still talking about it. Love the picture of the guys backs : )

  5. You did such a wonderful job mama!! Lauren looked adorable!

  6. We had a BLAST!! Everything was wonderful Lisa! :)

  7. happy 1st birthday Lauren! I will miss your monthly pictures!!!
    Lisa-her party decorations looked adorable!

  8. I think that I want to hire you as Lily's birthday party planner for the next one! :) Lauren is a sweetheart and getting so big, so fast! I'm glad that you finally have girly things to look for! Btw, the pictures were beautiful!
