Friday, January 29, 2010

11 months old!

Lauren is now 11 months old!

I can't believe our baby girl will be one in a month!  She is getting to be more fun every day!  Her playful personality is so sweet and we just love her to pieces!

Lauren's teeth decided to all come in at the same time.  She is getting four on top and two more on the bottom.  Poor little girl is miserable. The good news is she will be able to bite and chew her food better.  The bad news is that she is an extremely picky eater!  I thought her brothers were picky, but Lauren takes the cake!  Her favorite foods are yogurt melts, puffs, cheerios, bananas, yogurt and crackers.  If she doesn't see something sweet or full of carbs on her plate, she just yells until we put something on her tray she approves of.  We are in T R O U B L E with this one!

Lauren is a great little sleeper most of the time.  I dare not write that she is sleeping perfectly every night from 7 to 7, because then she would inevitably get up every hour tonight.  That's just the way life works!  She does take 2 two hour naps during day and still loves sleeping with her blankie and pacifier.

She is getting closer to walking now!  She cruises around holding onto furniture and can stand for a couple seconds on her own.  She still isn't talking much yet, but I have the feeling when she does, she will never stop!

Happy 11 months Lauren!
We love you!


  1. Double digits and shoes with rubber on the bottom. Where does the time go?

  2. She is just too cute Lisa! I love her whole ensemble! :)

  3. I am so in love with Little Lauren..xoxo

  4. happy 11 months Lauren, such a cutie!

  5. Has she tried saying French fries yet?

  6. Hard to believe!! What a sweetie!
