Wednesday, December 16, 2009

it's official...

I'm a cheesy mom! 

Lauren is wearing the same santa hat Ethan and Austin wore in the pictures on their first Christmas ornaments too.  I just can't help it! It may be cheesy, but I love it!

Today was the first time I put a rubber band and bow in Lauren's hair. Love it!  Can't wait until it's long enough to do pig tails!  Poor little thing has a double ear infection out of the blue.  She is handling it well and seems to be feeling ok.

Stay tuned later this week for more Christmas cheesiness!


  1. Keep the Cheese coming! My kids, and I'm sure yours too, love to see their pictures from years past on the tree. All of your traditions are so sweet. Right now they are ornaments but someday they will be treasures.

  2. Those are so sweet Lisa! Poor Lauren, I hope she feels better super fast.

  3. I think "cheesy" just means that you adore your kids like every mom should!

    I can't believe you get to do a little ponytail on Lauren. My baby is 18 months and still doesn't have enough hair on top for a clip!

  4. How cute! Her hair has really started to get long and thick in the last month. Yeah, Lauren!!!

  5. she is so cute! looks more like ethan everday! im totally digging the tiny pony! so glad you got your girl to play with!!
