Monday, November 30, 2009

Whose team are you on?

Over Thanksgiving, Jennifer (Eric's sister), Jan (Eric's mother) and I went to see New Moon.  Jennifer is a big fan and has read all the books and watched the movie Twillight. Eric's mom had never read the books and wasn't sure she wanted to.  We decided to see the late show the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.  Not the smartest idea we ever had, but it was fun.  On the way, Jennifer and I explained every detail of the first movie so Jan would be up to speed. 

After the movie, we started a riveting discussion on Team Edward versus Team Jacob.  Jennifer and I both agreed we were totally team Edward.  When we asked Jan, she said "hmmm... I think I'm team Charlie!" 

Love her!


  1. I'm only about 1/2 way through New Moon, but so far I'm Team Edward. Weird, I usually don't go for the bad boy, but there's just something about him. I haven't seen the movies though, so maybe I'll change my mind!

  2. Team Charlie! I love it. He is cute : )

  3. I think Charlie is the only perfect cast in the movie...i am team Edward but would love it if he was better looking, I can't help it but when I look at R.pat I can't help to wonder why I dont find him attractive.

    Emmit(kellan Lutz) HAWT!

  4. I always root for the underdog so I'm Team Jacob. Edward MIGHT have swayed my vote if they had cast someone better looking since he is supposed to be the most beautiful thing you've ever seen :)
