Tuesday, November 17, 2009

It's already begun

Ethan drew this picture yesterday.
It's a picture of Lauren.  See the L on her body?
Did you also notice the big circle with a line through it?
He hung this sign on his bedroom door so Lauren wouldn't mess up his room. Um, excuse me son, but you and your brother are the ones that make your room look like Toys R Us was hit by a tornado, not sweet little Lauren!

When I told him the sign might hurt Lauren's feelings, he said "Actually mom, the sign says no bad guys can come in my room".
Now that's more like it.


  1. Hee hee. Grace makes those too. Sibling love.

  2. Yes, I think you're lucky your boys get along as well as they do! I guess with a little sister it's inevitable that it will be boys against girl. It's definitely that way in my house!
