Wednesday, October 14, 2009

the best day

I came across this video that Taylor Swift made for her mom and thought it might be fun to watch.  By the end of it I was boo hooing like a baby. It is so sweet and made me think of everything from my happy childhood growing up, to my sweet little babies sleeping in the other room. 

Today my dad goes in for surgery.  Please keep in your prayers.  I love you Dad!  Thanks for all your support and love!


  1. Yep, that video made me cry, too. But it a good way : ) I will be thinking about and praying for your dad today.

  2. I just saw it on another blog that I read........yeah, I cried big fat tears.
    Prayers are on the way for your Poppa.

  3. I was just telling Chris how much I love Taylor Swift. Hope everyhing goes well with your dad's
