Thursday, September 10, 2009


Every once in a while Ethan will take a nap if I make him. Today was a day I made him. I had just put Lauren and Austin to bed and it seemed like the perfect day to attempt a nap. I snuggled in my cold room and quiet house and couldn't wait to catch some much needed zzz's. For 45 minutes I layed down with him and tried to get him to go to sleep. When I begrudgingly gave up on my nap, I went in the other room to get some housework done. Of course then my little sweetie quickly fell asleep. Figures. I almost laid down again but knew with my nap luck, Lauren would wake up as soon as my eyes closed.

Austin woke up from his nap before Ethan. When he wanted to wake Ethan up, I didn't mind too much.

How could you mind this angelic little face waking you up?


  1. Yes, Austin looks like an angel. The picture of Ethan asleep is pretty sweet, too.
