Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First day of preschool

The boys started preschool today!  They both went to the same school last year, so this year was no surprise.  They both happily ran into their classrooms and started playing. They have been counting down the days until school started again and so have I!
Ethan graduated to the 4 year old classroom and has new teacher.  This will be his last year in preschool before he goes to kindergarten next year.  I just can't believe how fast he is growing up!  He was really excited about being in the big kid room this year.  His first homework assignment was to decorate this paper to put into a book that will have all his classmates artwork too.  I love how he chose to decorate it with a soccer playing dinosaur, cars, trains, Blue Rat, bumbebee and number 4!
Austin will be in the three year old classroom this year.  He is lucky to have the same teacher as last year move up with him.  He ran right in his classroom and couldn't wait to see his friends.  What a difference from last year!
Lauren and Daddy came to see the boys off.
I must admit that as happy as I am to have some time alone with Lauren, I will miss my little guys today!


  1. Austin seems to have really grown up since sweet Lauren was born. He looks so tall too!!

  2. So cute! How many more pictures like that do you think you'll take over the next few years! I guess Lauren will be joining them before you know it!

  3. Ahhhhhhhhhh, they look so cute and BIG Lisa!!! ;)

  4. lisa, they are so cute! And the pics are always great. Love the ones of them running off to class.
