Monday, August 31, 2009

hello my name is ethan and i like to do drawerings

Ethan LOVES to draw and he is getting really good at it.  It's so fun to see what he comes up with!

This is a tree with an egg in a nest on top, squirrel inside the tree and a bird flying by.


He made this at church after learning about Jonah and the whale. 
He drew this sea turtle and octopus when we got back from the aquarium.

One of many machines that Ethan makes.  This machine makes blue balloons.  Gotta love his imagination!


  1. Wow! Those are really good. Lots of attention to detail. He must get the machine thing from his dad : )

  2. Future artist!!! He is really talented. Chris and I love the first one-E. has his first buyers:)
