Sunday, August 23, 2009

6 months old

Lauren is 6 months old today!

She has changed so much in the last month! She is now sitting up really well.  She likes to roll around and is starting to scoot around on her belly to get things.  She will be crawling before we know it and then we will be in big trouble!  I'm soaking in every minute of this sweet, stationary age. 

 She still nurses every three to four hours and takes three naps during the day. She naps great during the day with her blankie and pacifier.  I can lay her down awake and she will drift off to sleep from anywhere from one and a half to three hours.  Nothing much has changed about her sleep habits at night unfortunately. She gets a bottle at bedtime around 7 pm, usually wakes up once to eat and wakes up for the day at 7:30. The whole not sleeping through the night thing is getting old, so hopefully she will catch on pretty soon. She is just so sweet during the day, it's kinda hard for me to lay down the law with my baby girl at night.
Lauren's first two bottom teeth are popping out.  She chews on everything!  We started rice cereal 2 weeks ago and she seemed to like it.  She would eat it, but the reflex to push it out with her tongue was still pretty strong.  She just started actually swallowing some yesterday, so now we will be moving on to veggies and fruits.

 We love you Lauren and thank God every day that you are part of our family! 


  1. OHhhhh, precious, so sweet, and picture number two is my favorite!!!!

  2. Wow! Six months already. She's a cutie. The pictures of Ethan are very sweet, too.

  3. Hard to believe it's already been 6 months! Her hair is starting to grow more. Just wait until you can put it in a pony!

  4. such a cutie pie! she's getting so big!!!
