Thursday, July 23, 2009

5 months old

Lauren is 5 months old today!

She has changed so much in the last month! She loves to stand up and will stand up for a long time if you hold her hands to steady her. She can roll over both ways, but hasn't discovered she could roll to get where she wants to go yet. She really enjoys sitting in her bumbo seat and playing in her exersaucers. She found her hands and loves to reach and grab for things now. Most things go instantly into her mouth. Still no teeth yet though! (I'm not complaining about that at all!)

She still eats about every three to four hours and takes three naps during the day. She goes to bed at 7 pm, usually wakes up once to eat at 4 and wakes up for the day at 7:30. We have been letting her cry some and it has really helped her to soothe herself back to sleep without me having to go plug her pacifier in her mouth ten times a night.

Look how much she has grown!

Lauren is the sweetest, cuddliest little sweetie and we love her to pieces! I LOVE this age and am enjoying every minute with her!


  1. What a cutie pie!! I can't believe she's 5 months old.

  2. she really is getting big! what a cutie!

  3. I LOVE these post..I wish I would have thought of that for J. money's first year. She is SOOOO cute!
