Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July 2009

We spent our 4th of July weekend camping near Lake Travis this year. When we loaded in the car, the temperature gauge read 115. That's definitely how it felt all weekend long! Good thing we have ACs in our campers and there was a pool at the campground to keep us cool!

Lauren was a happy camper this time! She loved hanging out in the shade with us and loved all the attention she got from everyone. I had fun dressing her in red, white and blue all weekend long!

Eric tried out the ripstick and did really well. I was just praying that he didn't break an ankle!

Ethan had a great time taking pictures.

The kids absolutely love spending time with Julius and Vivian. They had fun coloring, making 4th of July rice krispie treats on a stick and running around exploring.

I couldn't resist buying Cracker Jacks for the boys. What's more American than Cracker Jacks?

The pool was wonderful. There's nothing better than playing in a cold pool on a super hot day!

The kids loved playing with sparklers. We were happy we could see the fireworks from Carlos and Charlies from our campsite.

We had a fun weekend as always with our camping buddies!


  1. Looks like fun! I love the last goofy picture! ;)

  2. Great pics. I love all of Lauren's little outfits. The cake looks yummy, too. I'm hoping the ripstick is the skateboard, not some new kind of lipstick : )

  3. very cute! Looks like you guys had a blast.

  4. Awesome pictures! What a memorable weekend. Julius and Vivian loved playing with Ethan, Austin and Lauren. They are so sweet - no wonder they will be the only boys allowed for Miss Vivian's princess party :-)
