Tuesday, June 23, 2009

4 months old

Lauren is 4 months old today!

She has changed so much in the last month. She is cooing, blowing bubbles and laughing now. Love it! She loves to sit in her bumbo and her bouncy seat and watch her brothers. She notices everything now, holds her head up well and is very alert.

She still eats every three hours during the day and takes a nap after an hour and a half of being awake. She goes to bed at 7:30 pm, wakes up once to eat around 4 and wakes up for the day at 7:30 am. She now likes to sleep snuggling her little blankie, sucking on her pacifier and laying on her back.

I've been slowly adding dairy back into my diet and it hasn't bothered her like it did before. Yippee! I have only tried a slice of cheese so far and am still dying to have some chocolate and carbonated drinks. Hopefully soon!

Her favorite thing these days is chewing on her hand. Yum!

She is a happy little baby girl now and we love this new stage!


  1. Great pictures. In the first one, I thought the "4" was her first little purse : )

  2. Precious! It makes me miss her even more.

  3. So sweet! She looks so HAPPY!! :)

  4. such a beautiful girl! I love knowing that on the 23rd I can come check out Lauren's sweet pictures and her super cute numbers (still jealous over those!!)
