Thursday, March 26, 2009

I give up

I am no longer going to attempt to take a nap during the day. It's too frustrating to even try anymore. Here are some things that have woken me up during my attempted naps this week:

  • Lauren grunting in her sleep.
  • Lauren tooting in her sleep.
  • Lauren waking up to eat every 3 hours.
  • My boobs waking me up to feed Lauren every 3 hours.
  • The dog kicking the wall in her sleep as she dreams she is chasing rabbits or whatever dogs dream about.
  • Ethan refusing to nap.
  • Austin refusing to nap.
  • More tooting. (Lauren, not me)
  • More grunting.
  • Text message beeps.
  • Phone calls. (Phone has to be left on in case the preschool calls)
  • Norman the fish hitting the aquarium so loudly for food it actually wakes me up.
  • UPS deliveries.
  • Cat meowing.
I give up. I guess I'll just start going to bed at 8 pm when the boys do. This nap thing isn't going to work. Boo hoo.


  1. Sounds like everyone needs a good dose of Benadryl. Cat, Dog, Fish, Lauren, Austin, Ethan, the UPS guy. Everyone needs some Benadryl : )
