Saturday, February 28, 2009

home sweet home

We are so happy to have our little girl home. She slept her first night in the bassinet we used with both our boys. My cousin Brenda gave it to us and it's come in so handy. I love the glowing light button, vibration and music it plays. I ended up having to wake Lauren up every three hours to eat. She nursed and went right back to sleep all swaddled up. Hopefully this trend continues!

She loves snuggling in the moses basket and we love it because we can carry it easily from room to room.

This morning she had her 5 day checkup. She is gaining weight and her slight case of jaundice is gone. Once she is back up to her birth weight, I can let her sleep without waking her up to eat. Grow, baby grow!

Lauren loves being snuggled and we all take turns holding her.

Austin loves holding his baby sister and gives her lots of kisses.

Ethan is excited to teach his baby sister all about his newest obsession... Legos.

We are very happy to be home with our little sweetie. The boys have had fun playing with their Gege and Granddaddy. We really appreciate all their help since we have been home!


  1. She already looks bigger. She is a cutie! I wish I was there to hold her. I am so glad I was able to be there with you and your family. My kids loved holding Lauren and playing with the boys. We love you!

  2. I wanna hold her again!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. oh, and I officially have major Baby Fever!! ;)

  4. Awww!!! She looks sooo cute!! She already has nice fat cheeks!! I can't wait to see her in person!

    Congrats to you all!

  5. I think we need to have a girl's night soon so we can all visit with the newest girl : ) Let us know when you're ready, we'll do everything else!

  6. Congratulations! Lauren is so beautiful and cute, and her two big brothers are so VERY cute, how they love their new sister. We can't wait to meet her soon.
