Friday, November 28, 2008

the evolution of thanksgiving

"Mom, the stuff in the middle of the turkey won't fit out of its butt," I said in desperation. It was my first time to cook a turkey and my mom had to give me instructions over the phone on how to do it. I had four hours to get my first Thanksgiving meal prepared. Alone. All alone to cook a full Thanksgiving meal. I was determined though. I made turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, stuffing, rolls and pumpkin pie.

Eric showed up right as it was almost ready. We sat at the table together and enjoyed our Thanksgiving meal. When we were stuffed full of food, we snuggled on the couch together and watched the Cowboys play football until we fell asleep in a turkey coma.

No, that's not what happened this year on Thanksgiving. This story took place 10 years ago when Eric and I worked at the Gristmill together and had to wait tables the next day. We were very sad to not spend the holidays with our families, but in the end, we created one of my favorite Thanksgiving memories. I think the food, combined with the football is what made him finally decide I was the girl for him. :)

This year was much different. We were surrounded with family, continuously playing card games, chasing the boys around and the only cuddling involved was when Austin whined "hold me!". Not to mention the fact that Eric and I could not fit on the couch together anymore with my growing belly. Though this Thanksgiving was definitely not as relaxing as the one 10 years ago, I wouldn't change a thing. I'm very thankful for all God has blessed us with.

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