Sunday, November 9, 2008

acorn obsessions and a ghetto bike

Austin's favorite bike is at least 14 years old. It belonged to my niece Taylor and my sister got it at a garage sale, so who knows how old it really is. Even though we have lots of new bikes for him to ride, Austin prefers the run down, ghetto one. He also prefers to use his feet Fred Flintstone style instead of using the pedals. I'm thinking one day that bike might accidentally disappear...

Counting acorns with daddy

The boys are slightly obsessed with acorns. Rarely do I wash a load of clothes without an acorn being washed and dried. In case you were wondering, acorns come out the dryer just fine. Ethan even made his own acorn garden in the backyard. He cleared out a patch of ground and "grows" his acorns there. He tries to make sure the acorns get enough sun and water to grow. We may end up with 50 oak trees in a tiny spot next to our deck, but hey, it keeps him occupied!


  1. I thought I better set you straight: We bought that bike from Toys R Us for Taylor's 1st birthday. It was well worth the money we paid for it. It has lasted 14 years and if you don't trash it, should last for Lauren, too. The Cozy Coupe is really the ghetto bike from the neighbor.

  2. I love the pictures of the boys counting acorns, what a great photo!

  3. The ghetto bike and Cozy Coupe. That's very funny. We have a park near our house that we call the Acorn Park because the ground is covered with millions of acorns. We should all go there together. We always bring buckets and fill up on acorns.
