Wednesday, August 27, 2008

mr. compassion

My little Austin is the sweetest thing. If someone is hurt, he runs over to them to kiss the ouchie and make sure they are ok. He always has a genuine look of concern on his cute little face.

I love when I come home and he runs to me with open arms. When I tell him I love him, he says "I really love you too momma" in his cute toddler voice. He just makes my heart melt.

Austin starts school for the first time next week with Ethan. Last year he would cry every day when he left because he wanted to go too. Now he will feel so big going to school like his big brother. I can't wait to see how he likes it.

My baby boy is really growing up and I'm so proud of him. He still is addicted to his pacifier and asks for a popsicle at least 50 times a day, but hopefully he will grow out of that soon. Good thing I have another baby on the way, because my little Austin is not a baby anymore.