Saturday, July 12, 2008

the 4 T's

My sister's four kids were in town this week during their summer vacation. We had the pleasure of keeping a couple at a time several nights this week. The boys love spending time with their cousins. It was fun to see Ethan and Austin wrestle with Trent and Trevor. Tatum is like a little mommy. She is seven and can change diapers, negotiate with toddlers and is just as bossy as her momma.

Since the girls were there to help, I was brave enough to let all four toddlers get in the hot tub. It was the perfect little pool for them and they had a great time splashing around.

The boys had fun playing on the slip-n-slide. Trent and Trevor pulled Ethan and Austin down it by their feet.

I was really happy to get to spend so much time with my nieces and nephews. We all had fun and I just wished we lived closer so we could see each other more often!


  1. I'm glad you had fun. Did you miss any one?

  2. Looks like a great time! Wish we could have been there also.

  3. That's great! I'm sure the boys love their big cousins. They'll have fond memories of growing up with them.
