Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Sunday... the baptism

Our sweet niece Abby got baptized Sunday. The minister asked her why she was getting baptized and she said "Because I asked Jesus into my heart" in the sweetest voice you have ever heard. We were so proud of her and so happy we got to be there to share it with her.

After church, we headed over to Eric's sister's house for lunch. Her name is Jennifer, but the boys like to call her Aunt Jenny. Eric and I might have something to do with it, but we will never admit it. We celebrated Abby and Jake's birthdays since we were all together. Austin had fun pushing around a rat in an American Girl wheelchair, Jake played with his new soccer ball and Eric showed the girls how to play their new Hanna Montana game. It was good to see everyone and the boys had fun seeing all their cousins this weekend!

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