Sunday, April 20, 2008

Austin's lake house birthday

Our little sweetie is turning two on Monday. We celebrated the first of three mini parties for him today with his Gege and Granddaddy at the lake house.

He threw out all the pajamas and clothes in his gift bag searching for toys. He loved his new Little Einsteins Rocket, fishing pole, t-ball set and guitar.

After having too much fun, Austin fell asleep on the floor. He was so tuckered out, he slept through a diaper change and being carried to his pack-n-play.

After the boys' nap, we all headed down to the lake for some fun. They loved the water and soon the wading through it, became swimming in it.

After a quick rinse, they were ready to enjoy the evening in the front yard. Yes, we let our kids run around in their diapers in the front yard. Good thing we were in east Texas. Ethan watered the plants and Austin played with a worm. Talk about a perfect day!

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