Friday, March 7, 2008

bye bye boys

I'm leaving this morning for a weekend away. Every year the ladies in Eric's family get together for a ladies' retreat. This will be my fifth one to go to and I'm helping Eric's mom and sister host it at the lake house. I'm very excited to spend time with his wonderful family and have some time to relax.

I am going to miss my boys like crazy! I'll miss their sweet voices and hugs & kisses. I might even miss their whining and tantrums by Sunday afternoon. I know they are going to love being home with their daddy this weekend. He always takes them fun places and does things mommy wouldn't do like eat chips for dinner or cookies for breakfast. He tucks them in every night, so their nighttime routine will be close to the same. I'm so thankful to Eric for letting me go this weekend and being such a supportive husband!

I sure love my boys and will miss giving them kisses goodnight!

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