Monday, February 11, 2008

Progression of life with babies

As you can see from my blog, there are lots of babies in my life and even more to come. I still have two friends expecting babies soon, so expect a lot more baby pictures. All this baby talk has made me think about how each baby experience is different. Here it is from my slightly jaded point of view...

First baby:
The nursery is set up with every detail perfect... every baby book on sleep, parenting and pregnancy has been read... there is nervousness about the birth and much anticipation on meeting the baby... the new parents stay in the hospital the recommended two nights.

Second baby:
The nursery is set up with the essentials plus some new special things for the baby... the books have been glanced at, but never reread... there is anticipation to meet the baby... there are lots of worries about the older child... the new parents rush home from the hospital after one night so they can be home with the older child.

Third baby:
The nursery is full of hand-me-downs and well worn clothes... the books have been in the top of the closet for years... there is anticipation to meet the baby... the parents think of the hospital stay as a vacation and are looking forward to it... the other children will be fine!

I love this time in our lives when we are growing our families and building our futures. I feel very lucky to have so many friends who are going through the same stage of their life with us. There is lots of hope and together, we just may survive it!


  1. Enjoy this very sweet time in your life. With all the cute baby things and control you have. It passes way to fast. The next stage is even more frightening. Your kids will comment on your fashion sense and hair style. I have been told wonderful things like " moms don't have hair like that". You will have to know what to say when your child comes home saying " the girls were throwing the boys in a utility closet and kissing them". Or how about a child who dresses like an army man every single day. I tell you what I will trade you right now !

  2. That is very funny and very true.

  3. It scares me to hear someone refer to this as a "sweet time" in my life : ) At the end of most days, I feel completely destroyed, both physically and mentally. The next stage is even more frightening??!!!??? HELP!!!!
