Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The non-playdate, playdate

I'm not a big fan of the word "playdate" for some reason. It seems too structured and official I guess. When I do get the kids together with other kids at someone else's house, I'm just happy if we leave there without breaking anything. The kids always have fun on playdates, it's the poor mothers who suffer. Different parenting styles, kids fighting over toys and trying to get the kids to eat is enough to stress anyone out. I try to have no expectations and have as much fun myself as I can.

My good friend Erica was gracious enough to let me borrow her extra carseat so we could go visit her. I hauled the three boys over there this morning for our non-playdate. Grace zoomed around the yard flying and being a beautiful swan. The boys had a great time playing outside on the playscape, coloring on the art easel and playing with someone else's toys. Other people's toys are always better of course.
I love hanging out with Erica and her kids because Erica and I understand each other. I never feel bad because my pesky kids won't sit down to eat lunch, throw rocks or any other mischievious boylike activity. We both know kids will be kids. It also helps that we both have perfect kids.


  1. It doesn't hurt that your perfect kids are soooo cute!

  2. Having perfect kids must run in the family.

  3. I'm sure Lisa feels lucky when she leaves my house. Lucky that she's not covered with tiny blue and purple bite marks from Carter! We had lots of fun yesterday. When Ray got home, Grace told him all about it. She added lots of exciting details.

  4. It is nice to be on a "playdate" with a good friend. BTW- your pictures are looking awesome!
