Thursday, February 7, 2008


Photography really helps me get my life in focus. It's so easy to rush through my day taking care of the boys and not really taking in every moment. Between diaper changes, eating, napping and drinking, our days get pretty full of routines. Seeing the boys' happy faces playing makes it all worth it.

The boys climbed up in the swing and swang together this morning. I grabbed my camera and captured these pictures of them. It really helps me to see just how precious they are. Before I know it they will be all grown up and I won't have to change diapers all day long. While I look forward to that, I know I will miss their chubby cheeks and sweet kisses.


  1. Lisa, I am glad you are taking the time to soak it all in and for helping me do the same. You are a good mom, friend, aunt (Tatum told me to put that one), and sister. I love reading your blogs even though I don't always comment on them. This comment should last for the next 10 or so. Love you!

  2. Lisa you are a good
    blogr and a good ant.
    i like to come see you
    and ethan austin and eric
    kirby love tatum
