Thursday, February 28, 2008

Baby talk with Ethan

Ethan and I had the following talk this morning after we got home from Sammy's house...

Me - "Ethan, what was the baby's name that we saw today?"

Ethan - "Jacob."

Me - "That's right!"

Ethan - "He's out."

Me - "He's what?"

Ethan - "He's out of her tummy now."

Me - "You're right, he is out of her tummy!"

Ethan - "I want a baby in my tummy."

Me - "Only mommies can have babies in their tummies. Do you want mommy to have a baby in her tummy?"

Ethan - "Yes, I want you have baby in your tummy!"


  1. Awwww. So sweet. He seems to get the whole concept of being in the tummy, then, presto, being out!

  2. Me Too! When are you going to get a baby in your tummy?

  3. Logan's been asking for another baby since Ellie was pretty little. It's really sweet to hear them say things like that, isn't it?

  4. I always wondered if children understood that there was a real baby in my tummy and now we know at least one child gets the concept that most grown up can't comprehend. I love that conversation.
