Friday, January 4, 2008

Sweet baby girl

We got together for girls' night last night at Sammy's house. Jacob's baby room is so cute! It's eclectic and adorable all in one! We ate good food and chatted about everything from babies to politics. Then we headed over to our friend Amanda's house who lives a couple houses away to see Lilianna. She is the sweetest little baby girl! She was so good and smiled for us all night.

Her pink baby room is so adorable and I must admit that holding a beautiful baby girl did tug at my heart strings!


  1. I had such a great time last night! We have to do it again...soon..maybe I won't go into hibernation;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So when are you going to have your sweet baby girl?


  4. Was the removed comment from Eric?

  5. I had fun last night, too. The pictures are awesome. I can't wait to take pictures of Jacob and Lili together : )

  6. Yeah, holding that sweet baby even tugged at my "frosty" baby heart strings. I thought I was done there. I'm sure I'll snap back into reality soon!

  7. Oh my gosh, I was not invited to girls night AGAIN! I am going to go and sulk in the corner now.
