Friday, January 25, 2008

one stubborn bug

My babies are sick. Austin just won't get better and now Eric is feeling bad. We thought we were in the clear with Ethan, but last night he had a fever and got sick. I decided to sleep on the floor with him last night to make sure he was OK. When I woke up this morning and looked at the clock, I could not believe it was 8:45 and not our normal wake up time of 7:15. I actually slept in on the hard floor. It's been a long week and I guess we both needed it. We have probably done at least a dozen loads of pukey laundry in the past week and have washed our hands so much I had to refill all three of our soap dispensers. We have literally watched Little Einsteins, Shrek or Toy Story all day to keep the boys happy and forget they are sick. I am ready for us to be well and back to normal! Hopefully I can leave the house for the first time in a week tomorrow.

My sick baby fell asleep on the floor for the first time in his life.


  1. It is one tough bug to get rid of. It hung around here for ages. Maybe you guys have turned the corner. Good luck!


  2. Poor babies, and poor Momma! I hope they feel better soon.
