Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I'm daydreaming of getting away. I'd love to go some place tropical and sip pina coladas on a beach. Or be cozied up in a cabin looking out at snowy mountains. But right now I would settle for halfway decent hotel room anywhere. I want to wake up in a cold hotel room with the loud fan blowing and the drapes blocking out every ray of sunlight and sleep in until my body says it's time to get up. I'd read a book, eat in bed and snuggle with Eric.

These thoughts come after a week long battle with a stomach bug. Last night was our first night in a while without one of the kids throwing up. Did I sleep well last night? No, instead I heard Eric grunting and snorting and dealing with cedar fever. Can't a mom ever get a break? I did finally get out of the house after a week, but now I'm dreaming of more.

Speaking of dreaming, it's time.


  1. I like your day dream of being on a beach sipping on some pina coladas....that is exactly what I did in Cabo and lately I have been day dreaming of being back there....definitely NOT day dreaming of being in the moutains with snow....it's way too cold here! I want to be some place warm.

  2. I'll snuggle with you : ) This mommy needs a break, too!
